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The 28th Paris Edition Kept Secret Until the Very Last Minute!

Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris took place last night in utmost secrecy. 2016 is proving to be a trying year for Paris. With the Seine river’s recent flooding, the workers’ union protests, and the upcoming (and highly anticipated!) UEFA Euro 2016, Dîner en Blanc organizers decided to keep the venue, and even the event date, secret until the very last moment.

Everything came together wonderfully last week on Wednesday, June 8th. Under a beautiful clandestine sky and the kind watch of local authorities, 7,000 friends gathered at the prestigious Place Vendôme for another unforgettably unique night.
The Minister of Justice had new neighbours for a few hours: 

See a few photos of the night:
Some media links about the event: - Thousands-flock-to-posh-paris-flash-mob-picnic
The - Paris-hosts-worlds-poshest-flash-mob-picnic
Le Parisien - 7000-participants-au-diner-en-blanc-organise-place-vendome
L'Express - Le-diner-en-blanc-2016-de-paris-a-eu-lieu-place-vendome
L'OBS Photos - aussi-chic-qu-ephemere-le-diner-en-blanc-investit-la-place-vendome

 Diner en Blanc - Paris

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Le Dîner en Blanc

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